Reality Shock
Thailand was INCREDIBLE! I loved every moment spent there, and I would do anything to still be there. I was happy to be home to see my family and friends, to have a washer and dryer, and to have clean water... but I didn't expect what my dad calls post-vacation depressive disorder to be so hard.
I was so happy in Thailand, and then I came back to reality and realized that I wasn't happy here. So what is the problem? If I am not happy in my reality, what is stopping me from changing that? My comfort zone. Stepping outside of my comfort zone is TERRIFYING. But if I am the only thing holding myself back from being the happiest I can be... then that's just silly. So, even though I am scared out of my mind to make some changes in my life, it is gonna happen. So, with God at my side... here I come!
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