2 Million Dollars
This week I had a wonderful conversation with my coworker about the church. We were both raised in the church and enjoy talking about our beliefs. She was asked, "if you were given 2 million dollars would you leave the church?" She said no, and later asked me the same question. Before I even thought about it, my automatic reaction was no. I was almost shocked by my quick response, but after I thought about it more I realized it was true. There is no amount of money that could make me leave this church. That was a beautiful realization for me.
I was also asked by another coworker if I would ever leave the church. My automatic response was also a no. After rebelling and being angry at the church and at God, thankfully for only a short while, I realized what I was missing. I tried to handle my life alone. I was a strong woman and I didn't need God to help me. I quickly realized how wrong I was. My Father in Heaven loves me and my Savior is always waiting for me to reach out to Him.
I had a beautiful realization this week while talking to my coworker. Even when I was angry with God I never doubted his power. I never doubted that He was there. I never doubted that I had a wonderful Savior who died for me and Atoned for my sins. I never doubted that the Holy Ghost was there to comfort and guide me. I never doubted that Joseph Smith restored this church for our latter days. I know without a shadow of a doubt that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church. It was restored for our day and has been such a blessing in my life. I love this gospel and testify that it is the best way to find true joy that will last for all eternity.
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