
This year has been one for the books! Heavenly Father has guided me everywhere I didn’t want to go, but so desperately needed to. First off, I swore I would never in my life go to Utah State… and of course here I am, loving every second of it. I was set on my major and wouldn’t change it for anything in the world… and here I am auditioning for the program of my dreams. I thought I wanted a relationship… and here I am, happily single and learning so many things I love about myself! GOD IS SO GOOD!

Ya know all those articles about things you should do by yourself before you get married? (Boys… it’s a thing) Well, I remember reading one ages ago and it said to take yourself on a date. Take yourself on a date?! I get food to go so I don’t look like a loser sitting by myself at a restaurant! And here I am on a date with me, sitting by myself at a nice restaurant. You deserve to treat yourself! If the only thing you’ve accomplished in the day is getting out of bed, GO YOU! Eat a piece of your favorite chocolate or something! I’ve learned that it is so important to celebrate the little things, and life is way more fun that way. J

Do things for you and not because of the pressure from everyone around you! Looking back on the past few years, I can see how much my decisions depended on how I thought the world would see me. The world is not as important as your happiness! If someone judges you for eating that extra piece of cake, you don’t need that negativity in your life! People are going to judge you whether you like it or not, so you may as well have fun!


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