When God is Silent

Growing up I always heard the classic phrases when things are hard. “God is always there for you... you’re never alone... He hears you... All you need to do is open up to Him and you’ll be strengthened, your burden will be made light.” I have those phrases constantly racing through my mind... and ya know what? It doesn’t make anything less hard. It just adds to my feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness. Why don’t I feel that? Why hasn’t he rescued me? 

I have spent a lot of years being angry at God and my Savior because I haven’t been rescued. My burdens haven’t suddenly been lifted or made light. But ya know what he has given me? Angels on earth. My husband is doing more for me now than I ever could have expected. I have been led to the right doctor who is actually giving me answers and hope! I am surrounded by the most supportive family and friends. Just because you can’t see Him or feel Him, doesn’t mean that He’s not there. 


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